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Train and Select Better Aviators
Studies show that cognitive performance skills such as situational awareness, focus, and under-pressure decision making make up 80% of success as a fighter pilot.
Current methods don’t allow for the direct measuring of such cognitive abilities, thereby causing current testing to be ineffective at properly predicting success as a pilot.
IPASS™ is a simulative test which employs cutting edge technologies to precisely predict and rank fighter pilots’ cognitive abilities, making pilot selection highly efficient and cost effective.

Improves Cost Effectiveness
IPASS decreases the cost of pilot assessment by helping to pick out the highest potential cadets early on with limited need for expensive flight hours and other training costs.

Increases Efficiency
By helping to sort through the pool of potential pilots using just a couple quick tests, IPASS allows flight programs to rank and select their cadets quickly.
Unbiased Data
Current training and selection is conducted by inherently biased human instructors. IPASS algorithms analyze pure analytics in order determine a cadet's potential.

Our groundbreaking technology allows for users to access previously unmeasurable cognitive performance analytics and implement them to select the best aviators
Situational Awareness
Attention & More
Utilize Cutting-Edge technology
Eyeviation employs advanced eye tracking technology combined with multi-sensory inputs to assess flight cadet cognition. Capturing every nuanced eye movement and correlating sensory data, our proprietary algorithms analyze these patterns to predict a cadet's potential as a fighter pilot.
Artificial Intelligence
Eye Tracking

IPASS is designed to integrate seamlessly into a flight academy's existing systems.

After an extensive trial period in the Israeli Air Force’s prestigious flight academy, IPASS™ has been proven to predict success in flight cadets with near perfect accuracy.
250+ Cadets
850 Simulator Sorties
FMS Integration
If you are interested in implementing our technology or have any questions regarding our services, get in touch using the form or contact the info below.